reduce your scope 3 emissions

8 Ways To Calculate and Reduce Your Scope 3 Emissions

How to reduce your scope 3 emissions? According to the Paris Agreement, countries and leaders worldwide must reduce their scope 3 emissions by approximately 45% by 2030 from the 2010 levels. 

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “We are at a crossroads.” The decisions you make today to reduce your greenhouse emissions can secure a liveable future and put the world on a positive trajectory to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Observing global temperatures changes

For companies, reducing their Scope 3 emissions significantly affects their carbon footprint, particularly those that extract, manufacture, and process raw materials to create products. 

But why is it such a big deal? Essentially, carbon emissions within Scope 3 include all that a company produces directly and also emissions on behalf of the company. That is, from the company’s suppliers or the customers. 

So calculating, measuring, and controlling your company’s carbon emissions will help speed up the journey towards net-zero. 

Though it may be a significant challenge, you can start by taking baby steps to reduce your Scope 3 emissions. But where exactly should you start?

First of all, what exactly are Scope 3 Emissions? 

In order to calculate your greenhouse gas emissions, we start by classifying them into three ‘scopes,’ commonly used based on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol. 

To understand what they categorize as Scope 3 emissions, we need to consider Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. 

Fundamentally, Scope 1 categories GHG emissions a company directly emits. While Scope 2 is indirect emissions consumed by the company, such as purchased electricity, heating, or cooling. 

Now, Scope 3 categorizes all other indirect emissions from the company’s value chain. These emissions are from the company’s activities, such as employee emissions from commutes and travel, product transportation, and emissions produced by the company’s suppliers. 

As plain as it is, Scope 3 emissions come from sources that the company itself does not control. 

How can you measure your scope 3 emissions?

To start off, you can measure your company’s Scope 3 Emissions through a few approaches, including: 

● Analyzing the entire supply chain regarding sustainability and the laws in your area. 

● Looking into the data of direct purchases on energy such as gas and electricity and converting its value into GHGs tonnes. 

● Calculate the most vital sources of carbon emissions to find out where it emits the most to make a direct change. 

● Research on getting a carbon footprint calculator or tools that can cater to wide-scope calculations, such as the framework provided by the GHG protocol. 

●Another excellent way to calculate your scope 3 emissions or that of your company is by using a carbon footprint calculator. 

Measuring your greenhouse emissions through a carbon footprint calculator gives you or your company a baseline of where you are today and the most significant potential for reducing your emissions. 

And, how can you reduce scope 3 emissions? 

Although most companies are way out of their control in reducing Scope 3 emissions, there are still several ways to reduce them from within: 

● Provide collaborative solutions with suppliers in working with initiatives in sustainability. 

● Consider changing your company’s supply chain that is also working towards net-zero. 

● Look into your company’s energy efficiency. 

● Encourage employees to work on their climate impact using engagement tools to bring them one step closer.

Reducing scope 3 emissions as a daily work responsibility 

Undoubtedly, businesses cannot avoid Scope 3 emissions in their sustainability strategy. However, they must not disregard these indirect emissions in their value chain as part of their strategy in accomplishing their net-zero target, including employees. 

One significant way to control Scope 3 emissions is by introducing employee engagement tools to raise awareness and educate and encourage green habits among employees.

Our Deedster at Work solution is a classic example that can come to your rescue and assist your employees in calculating their carbon footprints and enhancing behavioral changes toward sustainability.

Thanks to our carbon calculator packed with guidance and green incentives to sensitize employees in reducing their indirect emissions.

The app also has gamified mechanisms to connect to HR reward programs, extending the experience to a holistic sustainability scope and themed challenges running multi-year.

Measuring Scope 3 emissions evidently will contribute to combating climate action. Improving your company through this approach will advance corporate sustainability strategy and enrich the business’ value chain quality. 

If you would like to work on reducing Scope 3 emissions with our employee engagement tool, contact us to book a demo here

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