So, what’s Deedster all about? 

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. Over 80% of young people are worried about the climate, and rightly so.

Many of us understand that if we are to stop climate change, massive action is required, affecting all parts of our lives. Individuals, organizations, companies, and policymakers are now steering towards the Paris Agreement goals and beyond. 

But the shift must come faster, and as individuals, we have the power as both consumers and citizens. We make lots of choices every day about what and how we consume and where to steer our attention.

Active and passive choices made daily affect our carbon footprint and thus the planet we call home. But finding a sustainable lifestyle for ourselves—and changing the one we’ve grown attached to — is not easy. With learnings, insights, climate action, and a liiiittle bit of gamification—we can do it together. 

The world needs more climate action—so we’ve decided to make it easy and fun!